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Example Usage

Each courier is implemented as an adapter in it's own project, so the first step is to pull the correct courier implementation into your project.

# Send emails with Sparkpost
composer require quartzy/courier-sparkpost

Now you just need to create an email and send it:


use Courier\Sparkpost\SparkpostCourier;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter;
use PhpEmail\EmailBuilder;
use PhpEmail\Content\SimpleContent;
use SparkPost\SparkPost;

$courier = new SparkPostCourier(
    new SparkPost(new GuzzleAdapter(new Client()), ['key'=>'YOUR_API_KEY'])

$email = EmailBuilder::email()
    ->withContent(SimpleContent::text('Start your free trial now!!!'))


For details on building the email objects, see Php Email.

Tracking Emails

Many SaaS email providers return an ID, sort of like a package receipt, on the API response. If you would like to get the ID for your own auditing, then this can be done with any Courier that implements the ConfirmingCourier interface.


use Courier\Sparkpost\SparkpostCourier;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter;
use PhpEmail\EmailBuilder;
use PhpEmail\Content\SimpleContent;
use SparkPost\SparkPost;

// The Sparkpost courier implements ConfirmingCourier
$courier = new SparkPostCourier(
    new SparkPost(new GuzzleAdapter(new Client()), ['key'=>'YOUR_API_KEY'])

$email = EmailBuilder::email()
    ->withContent(SimpleContent::text('Start your free trial now!!!'))


$receipt = $courier->receiptFor($email);