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composer require quartzy/courier-sparkpost


To use the SparkPost courier, you will need an API key with the following permissions:

  • Transmissions: Read/Write
  • Templates: Read-only


The SparkPost courier supports both templated and simple emails.

You should follow the steps documented in the SparkPost PHP project for details on how to build a SparkPost client and pass it into a SparkPostCourier.


use Courier\Sparkpost\SparkPostCourier;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter;
use PhpEmail\Content\TemplatedContent;
use PhpEmail\EmailBuilder;
use SparkPost\SparkPost;

$courier = new SparkPostCourier(
    new SparkPost(new GuzzleAdapter(new Client()), ['key'=>'YOUR_API_KEY'])

$email = EmailBuilder::email()
    ->replyTo('', 'Your Sales Rep')
    ->withContent(new TemplatedContent('my_email', ['testKey' => 'value']))


Notes on Headers

At this time, custom headers are only sent on SimpleContent emails or TemplatedContent emails that include an attachment.

SparkPost does not currently support sending headers on stored template emails. There is currently not a known release date for when this might get fixed, but Courier is ready whenever it does and already sends the headers value with all headers defined on the Email.

Notes for SparkPost Templates

SparkPost allows users to define templated keys in the from, reply to, and subject fields along with the body. In order to make your courier work as expected, the library will automatically create the following template values based on the properties of the Email:

  • fromAddress
  • fromName
  • replyTo
  • subject
  • ccHeader

These will be added to the template data already defined in the TemplatedContent, assuming the keys are not already set manually.

Temporary fix for correctly displaying CC header

As documented in this post, the SparkPost API requires sending the CC header information in order to properly display recipients. In the context of inline templates and non-templated emails, setting this header works fine. However, if sending a standard templated email, SparkPost's API does not respect the CC header. To work around this, Courier will set the ccHeader variable in the substitution data to what the value should be. In order to leverage this variable, you will need to update your template using the API (the header attributes are not available in the web editor) to include the value. This can be done with a request like:

// PUT

  "content": {
    // All of your other content must go here as this PUT will overwrite all other content
    "headers": {
      "CC": "{{ccHeader}}"